IPID investigation sends a rapist cop to jail

Quality investigation conducted by IPID Senior Investigator Ms Nomusa Masuku send a convicted adult male police Constable Thabiso Shabangu to (6) six years direct imprisonment for attempted rape. He was sentenced by Nigel Regional Court magistrate on Tuesday, 15 October 2019. The Constable has since been dismissed from his employment. This happened after IPID investigated and arrested a 33 year old police Constable who was based at VIP Protection unit in Pretoria. The Constable was off duty when he attended a party in Nigel, Ekurhuleni, Gauteng in July 2018. In the early morning he entered one of the bedroom wherein he found a 29 year old woman was asleep. He quietly and uninvited joined the victim in bed. Upon joining the victim he then put his body on her and throttled around her neck whilst trying to rape her. The victim fought back and in the process she managed to bite off the police Constable’s fingers. The matter was reported to the local police station and transferred to IPID for investigation. The Acting Executive Director Mr Victor Ofentse Senna and the Gauteng Provincial management appreciates the professional and quality investigation conducted by Ms Nomusa Masuku and her team. IPID will not tolerate any crime committed by SAPS and / or Municipal Police Service.

Issued by Independent Police Investigative Directorate

Enquiries: Mr Sontaga SEISA,
Acting National Spokesperson for IPID.
Tel. 012 399 0092/50,
Email: sseisa@ipid.gov.za