IPID investigates 588 complaints for the Covid-19 period

The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) investigates 588 complaints that relate to allegations of incidents that occurred during the State of the National Disaster operations (Covid19) from 26 March 2020 to 10 June 2020.

These complaints are in various case classification including death as a result of police action, discharge of official firearm by police officer, torture and assault.

In line with the IPID Act, Regulations and the Standard Operating Procedures, all cases received were registered and allocated to the investigators for investigation and they are in various stages of the investigation process.

Amongst those cases, IPID is investigating 11 cases of alleged death as a result of police action for the same period.  

Some of the cases is still on the court roll, set to appear in court. In some instances, IPID is directed by Court to source additional information.

In some cases, IPID is awaiting feedback from various stakeholders for example, the Post-Mortem report and Ballistic reports.

One of the investigations is completed and the outcome of the Post-Mortem was has confirmed that the death was as the result of natural cause. 

IPID is also experiencing serious challenges with key witnesses that do not co-operate in some instances its the family members.

Regarding the Collins Khosa matter, IPID sent the report to both JMPD and SAPS, with negative recommendations, JMPD officials were present when the alleged assault took place and they did not prevent the assault or protect the deceased

The SAPS failed to adhere to the contingency plan, which resulted into contravention of the Covid-19 Contingency Plan.

The turnaround times for investigation process are determined by the merits of each and every case, our investigators adhere to high ethical standards of investigation, complex matters take longer to investigate while IPID focus on quality of investigations.

IPID remains very committed to conduct its investigation independently and impartially as an independent investigative oversight body and continues to discharge its duties independently, without fear or favour.

Independent Police Investigative Directorate

Enquiries: Ndileka Cola
Director Communication and Marketing
Tel 012 399 0092/50
Mobile: 073 376 8758
Email: ncola@ipid.gov.za