IPID celebrate its Key Achievements for the 2018/19 Financial Year
<p>IPID is at the forefront in the fight against corruption and acts of misconducts against members of the South African Police Services (SAPS) and Metro Police Service (MPS). IPID has over the past financial year continued to execute its mandate, without any fear, favour and prejudice thus ensuring justice for the marginalised and vulnerable members of society. The following were some of the key achievements by the IPID:</p>
- 5 829 cases received by the IPID during the 2018/19 Financial year with the highest intake being in the following 5 categories: -
Assault | 3 835 |
Discharge of official firearms | 771 |
Death as a result of police action | 393 |
Torture | 270 |
Death in Police Custody | 214 |
- Secured 91 criminal convictions.
- Referred a total of 1 989 cases to NPA for decision.
- 2 338 disciplinary recommendations made to SAPS.
- Maintained and unqualified audit outcome with improvements in both performance and financial aspects.
- 11 high profile cases involving high ranking members of SAPS being investigated;
IPID management would like to thank all our investigators under the leadership of provincial heads for their dedication and commitment in ensuring that all cases are investigated with vigor regardless of the level involved.
Issued by the Independent Police Investigative Directorate
Enquiries: Mr Sontaga SEISA,
Acting National Spokesperson for IPID.
Tel. 012 399 0049/50,
Email: sseisa@ipid.gov.za