IPID arrested 3 police officers for the murder of a 44-year-old man in 2018
Independent Police Investigative Directorate(IPID) has yesterday 04 October 2021 arrested 3 Police Officers from Durban NIU (National Intervention Unit) and the 3 have all appeared in court yesterday on a charge of murder (Death as a result of police action). The three Police officers, Warrant officer Senzo German Sosibo, Sergeant Mzikayise Kala and Sergeant Sivuyile Vusi Ngodwana were each granted a bail of R2000 and the matter has been remanded to 03 November 2021.
The trio were arrested for a 2018 murder case of a 44-year-old Mtholeni Ntsele from Okhukho area in Mahlabathini, KZN.
Details that led to the arrest are as follows;
It is alleged that on the 2nd of February 2018, Police officials from Durban National Intervention Unit went to the homestead of Okhukho area in Mahlabathini area to look for unlicensed firearm. They entered the Tsele home and found two family members sleeping in different houses within the Tsele homestead. It is alleged that when they got into the houses, they found people in and forced them to not leave the house and remain indoors. It is alleged others went to the other house where the deceased was sleeping.
It is alleged that the two family members who were refused leave the house, heard the noise as well as the deceased crying in the other house for some time. It is alleged that after a while the noise died down and one police vehicle was then seen reversing into a homestead. It is alleged that the deceased was then loaded into the back of the bakkie and immediately the bakkie left with him.
It is further alleged that one family member shouted at the police, asking about where they were taking the deceased to and that one other member then responded to say “you will get him at Mashona”. It is alleged that later on the day. The local police members came to report that the deceased has passed on. The matter was brought to the attention of the IPID, we investigated the matter since then and arrested the officers yesterday. The matter is now in court.
Grace Langa
National Spokeswoman
Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)
Tel: 064 664 3172
E-mail: 02workonly@gmail.com
Cc: glanga@ipid.gov.za