ICD Executive Director to visit Thato Mokoka’s family

The Executive Director of the Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD), Mr. Francois Beukman and members of the ICD’s senior management will visit the family of the deceased, Mr. Thato Mokoka (16) who was allegedly shot and killed by a police officer in Braamficherville on Tuesday, 14 February 2012. Mr. Beukman and senior members of the directorate will visit the grieving family tomorrow to offer their condolences on behalf of the ICD.

Details of the visit are as follows:

Date: 17 February 2012
Time: 13:30
Place: Number 11678 Braamficherville, phase 2, Soweto

For enquiries contact:
Mr. Moses Dlamini
National Spokesperson
082 809 1927
Email: mdlamini@icd.gov.za

Issued by: Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD)